Perry Aggagram


Perry Aggagram

Stanford University, H4D Spring 2019
Team Intellisense, Identifying vessels that were smuggling drugs through the California coastline



About Perry

Perry graduated from Stanford with Bachelors and Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering. He will be attending an Engineer Basic Officers Leadership Course after completing basic training and Officer Candidate School coursework in the United States Army.



Q: How did your H4D experience impact you and your career?

A: "I was really impressed by the commitment to the public good that people in the military showed and that inspired me after graduation to join the US Army. I am sure that going forward public service will not just be part of something that I did right now, but something that I will carry throughout my career.”

Q: What was your experience with the military before H4D?

A: "Beforehand, throughout my Stanford career, I would have never imagined that I would have joined the military. It was something very foreign to me. But Hacking for Defense reinforced to me how important it is that we all play our part in the public good of this country."



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